Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Third Thing: The Meaning of Life (The Collapse of Parenting: Chapter 10)

When students are asked about the purpose of school they generally tell you this:
  1. Work hard in school to get into a good college.
  2. Get into a good college so you can get a good job.
  3. Get a good job so you make good money and have a good life.
BUT in reality, 1 doesn't always lead to 2; 2 is no guarantee of 3; and 3 is by no means a guarantee of a good life.

We need to give our children a greater reason for education. One that doesn't fall apart so easily. One that has room for failure. Why? Because failure is a reality we all face at some point and often it is the springboard for growth on many levels.

School is a preparation for life. And the purpose of life, in Sax's example, is to do meaningful work, to have a person to love, and a cause to embrace.  

Personally, as a believer, I would say the purpose of life is to know ourselves, so that we may know our Lord and worship Him. And the purpose of an education is expand our minds to be able to understand with greater depth, the awesomeness of our Lord, Mighty and Majestic.

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