Sunday, October 26, 2008

In the agony suffered for You...

In the agony suffered for You,
the wounded find the scent of balm:
The memory of you consoles the souls of lovers.
Thousands in every corner, seeking a glimpse of You,
cry out like Moses, "Lord, show me Yourself!"
I see thousands of lovers lost in a desert of grief,
wandering aimlessly and saying hopefully,
"O God! O God!"
I see breasts scorched by the burning of separation from You;
I see eyes weeping in love's agony.
Dancing down the lane of blame and censure,
your lovers cry out, "Poverty is my source of pride!"
Pir-i Ansar has quaffed the wine of longing:
Like Majnun he wanders drunk and perplexed
through the world.
- Abd Allah Ansari's introduction to the Munajat


  1. wow! Subhan'Allah, this is beautiful!
    is this the complete intro, or just the first few lines?

  2. AsSalamu'alaykum Sidi,

    Allahu Akbar. Yes, this is it in its entirety.

    The book is a nice one to have -- the hikam of ibn Ata'illah and the munajat of Abd Allah Ansari together in one book, translated by Victor Danner.

    I pray all is well with you.

