Friday, December 10, 2004

Like Rain

Sidi Hakim Archuletta has studied, practiced and taught holistic medicine worldwide for the past 20 years. His practice in North Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, and Europe earned him the title of hakim (a sage/healer). May Allah preserve him and allow him to continue to help people heal, ameen.

Like Rain

Do we feel for the world?
If the world grieves over
our arrogance while we
project ourselves onto it
are we given then the chance
to voice the sadness of the
sea or the pain of the tree?

Do we sing for the world?

Are we the mouth for the
centuries and the groan
and drum for its years of
war and strife and peace?

Are we the eyes for the stone
the storyteller for the plains
the advocate of the races
are we the tears of the cities?

Do we cry for the world?

As we listen to the song of
the flower the wail of
the wind or the melody of
the dawn and the moon

Do they cry for us? the rest of "Like Rain"...

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